Company Name: Regionaal Landschap
Country: Belgium
Number of Odoo Users: 25
Odoo Implementing Partner: SoftwareBuro
Regionaal Landschap Schelde-Durme is one of the 16 Regional Landscapes in Flanders. Almost every municipality is part of a Regional Landscape. Regional Landscapes collaborate with various partners to focus on landscape, nature, and heritage. The area of Regionaal Landschap Schelde-Durme spans 22 municipalities, located along the Schelde and Durme rivers.
Thema's waar RLSD aan werkt:
- Biodiversity
- Landscape care
- Climate
- Recreation
- Heritage
With numerous projects, Regional Landscape is committed to species protection in their region.
Regional Landscape takes care of the planting, maintenance and belonging of the trees, shrubs, hedges, hedgerows, wooded borders and other native plants in the region. They try to preserve the special places and not lose sight of the whole. To do this, they use a strategic project, because every landscape is different and needs the right care tailored to it.
Because we also have to prepare for the negative effects of climate change, think of floods, drought, erosion and loss of bio-diversity, Regional Landscape also sets up projects for this.
Regional Landscape's recreation projects are designed to help the region's residents become acquainted with nature, heritage and the local products available. We have also thought about a beautiful, green and adventurous play area for the smallest children. So that they are also made aware of the landscape.
One of the main things Regional Landscape is committed to is preserving and enhancing heritage. They want future generations to see the value of the piece of history and identity of some heritage sites.
Waarom ze voor Odoo hebben gekozen.
- In the past, it was a puzzle to instantly get an overview of the ongoing projects and their associated budgets. Through the implementation of Odoo, RLSD now has an instant overview of the ongoing projects, which municipalities are involved, and a clear view of which tasks take priority over others. All team members can efficiently monitor and manage the project. There is an overview of the ongoing project opportunities (CRM), and through a template, detailed project proposals are approved and sent out.
- Geïntegreerde boekhouding
Daar de boekhouding geïntegreerd is, is er overzicht op financieel vlak. Zijn er nog bepaalde zaken die gefactureerd moeten worden? Welke subsidies zijn gebudgetteerd. Aankoopfacturen worden analytisch per project ingeboekt. - Trots
Software Buro is trots te mogen meewerken aan dit verhaal. Door de positieve ervaringen zijn het jaar erop 8 andere Regionale Landschappen gestart met Odoo.